i3S - Health Innovation and Investigation Institute
Serôdio, Furtado & Associados
Saturday + Sunday
Regular Visits
Sat 11h30, Architect João Pedro Serôdio / Sat 14h00, Prof. Manuela Lopes / Sun 11h30, Architect Tiago Ascensão
Maximum 25 people per visit
No reservation required; first-come, first-served
Wheelchair access
Photography allowed
The i3S joins the IBMC, the INEB and the IPATIMUP, in a consortium lead by the University of Porto. Together they manage projects, share equipment, and supervise PhDs and Masters, in an institution with about 900 researchers integrated under research and innovation policies in tune with six schools of the University of Porto and three hospitals. Dedicated to science and technology, this infrastructure with 21.229 square meters is compact with long reinforced concrete urban façades that levitate and seem to release the public space. The universe of scientific and technologic research needs introversion and concentration, so they resorted to vertical and diagonal indoor patios, which create proximity relationships with the community that uses them. The collective spaces are identified by the blocks that give shape and texture light, by opposition to the aseptic surfaces of the labs that create a regulating and ordering unit that manages the intervention. The open tops and the elongated and closed surfaces are interrupted only to light up the atrium and indicate the entrance.
Rua Alfredo Allen, 208
42Directions: Google Maps / Apple Maps
Public Transport
Subway: Linha D - Pólo Universitário
Bus: STCP - 204, 300, 301, 603, 803