Regular Visits
Sat 11h00, Adriana Almeida (Educational Service) / Sun 11h00, Architect Joaquim Portela
Maximum 40 people per visit
No reservation required; first-come, first-served
Wheelchair access
Photography allowed
The New Customs Service, built in 1859 over the old Miragaia Beach, occupies 36.800 square meters. Its composition and organization – a central body, two at East and two at West – is symmetrical, neoclassic. The structures are granite, iron and wood. The big areas, occupied before with customs warehouses, are now destined to be a museum. The large dimensions of the rooms – cellars, auditorium, customs room, noble hall and archives – are opposite to the smaller scale of the ready-mades associated to the cranes, wagons and rotating platforms still in the space. The building is civil architecture with commercial and industrial traces, representative, and capable of announcing the entrance of the city between the second half of the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century. The riverside front is, because of that, more elaborate than the one facing the city.
Rua Nova da Alfândega
24Directions: Google Maps / Apple Maps
Public Transport
Bus: STCP - 500, ZR, ZM