Regular Visits
Sat 11h00, Architect Bernardo Amaral / Sat 11h00, Geographer Jorge Ricardo Pinto
Maximum 20 people per visit
No reservation required; first-come, first-served
No wheelchair access
Photography allowed
A product of industrialization and a model for the almadino urban planning that sets plots with a measurement of 25 hand palms in the street front and lengths that can reach 100 meters, the islands housed the working force that arrived in the city in the second half of the 19th century. The homes that are part of it, with 9 to 16 square meters, grow in depth with one or more rows, with one storey and with a passage of 1,5 to 2 meters. You can access it, still today, by going through the bourgeois house that faces the street. Patios and shared bathrooms create a singular neighbourhood feel. Oscar’s island, known before as Américo das Balanças, has today 10 houses that grew in height or by taking over the patio. D. Quitéria’s island reminds us of hard times, when coats were also blankets. It also reminds us that with 25 cents you could either take a shower at Balneário do Campo 24 de Agosto with a clean towel and hot water, or you could have a cake, a Bola de Berlim or a Jesuíta.
Rua de São Vitor, 166
Directions: Google Maps / Apple Maps
Public Transport
Subway: Linhas A, B, C, E e F - Campo 24 de Agosto
Bus: STCP - 207, 303, 400, 904, 905