Sat and Sun 9h30-17h00 (Freq. 30min), Diogo Barbedo e Francisco Araújo | Sat 15h, Carlos Magno
Maximum 10 people per visit
No reservation required; first-come, first-served
No wheelchair access
Photography allowed
This printing office is born in 1905 at São Crispim Street, and it still exists today with its full name: Peninsular – Papelaria e Artes Gráficas. Founded at the end of the 19th century, in the following century it moves to Mouzinho da Silveira street, to a building with a housing and bourgeois structure, adapted at the time. “Não perca tempo a pensar… compre na Peninsular” [Don’t waist time thinking… just buy at Peninsular], shows with its first slogan the typical energy of family run printing industries. It is notoriously one of the few 100 year old institutions from Porto with these characteristics to survive as a family business till today, facing the market changes and the technologic evolution of the world of graphic arts.
Rua de Mouzinho da Silveira, 67
28Directions: Google Maps / Apple Maps
Public Transport
Subway: Linha D - São Bento
Bus: STCP - ZM,ZR, 500, 900, 901, 906
Train: São Bento